2014 - 2020 Long Range Plan for a Safe Wisconsin.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, through the Department of Children and Families (DCF), contribute funding to the domestic violence victim services providers and shelters across our state. Currently, DCF provides funds for victim services to 64 non-profit agencies, 11 tribes and two counties. In Wisconsin, victims and their children in every county and in every tribe have a place they can turn to.
This Plan is conducted on a six-year basis to identify recommendations related to funding for domestic violence victim services and to suggest funding and policy priorities to the domestic violence victim advocacy field. The plan was developed by the Wisconsin Governor's Council on Domestic Abuse (Governor's Council), through the Governor’s Council’s Budget Committee, and by End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin (End Abuse). A planning committee representing service providers from across the state was formed. That group sought information and comments from survivors, fellow advocates and community partners from around the state. In total, approximately 500 survey responses were collected, analyzed and distilled into the recommendations that are contained in the Plan.
Through consultation with survivors, advocates and a broad range of community partners, the Governor's Council and End Abuse identified the following priorities for 2014 to 2020. We call on Wisconsin to achieve these goals over the next six years. The Governor's Council and End Abuse will also continue to seek input from survivors, advocates and community partners and update and refine these priorities to ensure that they remain relevant and reflective of victims' needs.